“From Sketch to Vector Art” – Illustrator Tutorial


In order to further develop my understanding of Adobe Illustrator’s various tools and mechanics, I have followed the Spoon Graphics tutorial: Illustrator Techniques to Turn a Sketch into Vector Art and created a vector graphic based on the provided sketch of a Spartan helmet. The end result can be seen below.

Spartan Helmet Sketch.jpg

Plus: I feel my Spartan helmet is a clean, simple and attractive graphic. I decided to stray against the typical red and bronze colour scheme included in the tutorial and went for something I found a little more appealing. I find the variation of size in the lineart, something taught in the tutorial, made the image feel more comical and essentially more alive.

Minus: Looking back on it, I feel the helmet’s plume could have used more detail. I understand that the graphic is supposed to be simple in its appearance however I think it could have used something more.

Improvement: If I were to make this graphic again, I think it could have benefited from some texture or background. As stated before, while the intention of the tutorial was to create a simple logo, I feel it could have benefitted if it was to be taken further.

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